Where is my mind?

Where is my mind? Sometimes I don't know (quite too many times, actually)! Should I try and find out?!

Monday, June 19, 2006

I thrive on chaos

Why is it that I only thrive on chaos? Why is it that I need pressure to work? Why is it that it has always been like this? Is it just me, or does this happen to everyone else?

I hate to be put under pressure! I hate chaos! And specially I hate that I only work like this!

Why can't I be productive without the pressure and the chaos?

The truth is that it comes from the start... At school I used to study only when under pressure, which means - THE DAY BEFORE THE EXAM/TEST!
I must say that I used to be a good student, I always did my homework when arriving from school... but study? NOOOOOO!!! I did try to do it... but I was never able to study something if not pressured to do it.

But now things are a little more serious... I have work to do!!! I have to have something to present! I have to show some work done! But the truth is that I only feel productive when under pressure or even worse... ON CHAOS!!! Still... I HATE IT!!!!

Man... I really must do something about this!

Is there anybody out there that can help me???

Good luck to me...


At 8:08 PM, Blogger 柳 绅 龙 said...

Become a farmer..
No real pressure there but believe you me... You´ll get the job done...
Cheers matey!


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